Saturday, January 5, 2013

Dog Park Adventure: Early Saturday Morning

Happy Saturday dear readers! We managed to make it out to the work party this morning around 9 Am. But much to our surprise the party was pretty much over. Apparently many of the volunteers had showed much earlier than 8 Am and had done most of the work already. So next time we will know to show up much earlier! But even though we missed the work party, we stayed for a few hours to play!

 Everyone loves to play King of the Rock!

 We ran into our friend Zeffer today!

 Hi Zeffer!

 This sweet German Shepard pup was so cute!

 It doesn't matter how many legs you have, everyone can have fun at the Dog Park!

 This Doberman was so handsome!

 Axle says hello to little Ivy.

 We ran into our favorite park regular, T the Bulldog!

 Ivy investigates a Tennis Ball.

 Lambert the Basset Hound mix is a one dog welcoming committee!
 Sometimes collisions happen...

 Lucy shows off her pretty pink coat.

 Murphy the retriever mix admires Lucy's fashion sense.

Lets play!!
 The Itty Bitty Short Legged Committee showed up today!

 These two love to play tug!

 Knox the Corgi says hi!

 This cute little girl kept jumping up on this guys lap! Her mom was quite embarrassed, but he didn't see to mind too much!

We had such a good time at the park, and it was surprisingly warm today. It was so nice to see some of our friends, and also make some new ones! Have you done anything fun with your dogs this weekend? See your dog? let us know in the comments, we love making new friends!!


  1. My pup Jeter loves the doggie park! I wish we lived closer to the one we used to go to all the time before we moved :(

    1. Aw! thats no fun. I don't know what we would do if we didn't have a park around here. This one is about 30 minutes away, so we usually go on weekends. There are a few more close by that are smaller and not many people go to. But they are still OK for quick trips after work!
